Saturday, March 19, 2011

A little Swedish in San Francisco

Yesterday was a good day. It was very cloudy in San Jose and about half way to San Francisco it started storming and I could barely see out my windshield. A couple of times on the freeway my car even hydroplaned from the depth of the water. It was pretty scary and the drive which should of took a little under an hour ended up taking me about an hour and a half. However, I was very excited because I was going to be spending the day with my mentor and friend from Sweden, Janette.
She came to the US to go to school a month before I left Sweden so it has been about 4 months since I have see her. It was so nice seeing a friend from my life abroad. It was what I needed to be reminded that those 6 months away was not a dream and that it did really happen.
We decided that since it was such an ugly day outside we would do the Swedish thing. Go to a nice lunch, do a bit of shopping  (inside) then take a fika. We went to a great restaurant called North Beach Restaurant. We drank some wine and had amazing seafood. When we left to go back to my car I had a ticket!!! I was shocked there was still money in the meter. I guess I got the ticket for not turning my wheels into the curb in case my car rolls back. No one knows that is a law I'm assuming unless they have received a ticked for the same thing. I couldn't believe it.

We then went to Union Square and shopped a little. When we managed to get somewhat hungry again we went to the top of a high rise building to Cheesecake Factory to take a fika. Coffee, tea and cheesecake. The view from up here is amazing even on a gloomy day.
 It was a great day. By the evening the storm passed and I was on my way home with a rainbow behind me. I can't wait for you to come Linda. We are going to have such an amazing time all over California!

-- Alaura

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