Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Worlds Away

With the comfort of our IPhones we are able to communicate with people who are living all over the world. However, Stockholm Sweden and California in the United States are still a 9 hour difference. Different continents, cultures especially the weather. This week it is getting a little cooler where I live, but it is so hot. It is crazy how drastic the difference is in our climates. I wish I was living in the cool breeze with leaves of bright colors like red and orange. It's too hot and I am getting tired of it. Today was the coldest we have had in a while. I need to find a way to Sweden I miss the snow (and my moon boots)!!

- Alaura

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday brunch.

Had a saturday brunch with Sara today. So cozy, we went to "Cafe Sirap" in Vasastan. And had a  real American breakfast with scrambled eggs with bacon and pancakes. 

Finally got my uggs, im so prepared for the winter now. 

-- LC