Friday, October 14, 2011

Catch Up

I am sitting in class right now. Thinking about all the things I have to get done today.
1. Finish classes (4:15 pm)
2. Submit graduation forms for Spring 2012 graduation
3. Hair appointment at 5:30 pm
4. Tanning
5. Nails
6. Pack for my flight tomorrow.

I have to get all that done and although its all minor stuff its a lot for such a short amount of time. My flight leaves out of San Francisco tomorrow at 7 am. So early-- my sister Amanda is taking me :)

Today I am going back to dark hair I am kinda nervous because it took me so long to get to the blonde I wanted.. lets see how it turns out.

-- Alaura

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Another Week Gone By...

Mi amor!!! I am so sorry you were sick? I hope by now with your antibiotics having kicked in you are feeling better???

I haven't blogged for a whole week. It was exactly this time during my Monday night International Marketing class that I last blogged. Another week gone by and it doesn't even feel like it. We haven't talked all week, 7 days too long to go without hearing your voice. The weeks are going by faster and faster and I think it is because I am so busy with school and work. However, I did get together last Thursday night with Dom and Athina. We brought you up and wished you were with us. We had fun. Walked from Dom's condo to this little bar and had some drinks. It was nice having a night with the girls.

 I went to the gym the other day and ran into a friend. Her little sister is going to Stockholm in November and really wants me to go with her. She wants me to go so she can feel more comfortable in a country unfamiliar to her. I haven't really talked to her about it much but OMG how great would that be. Flights are so expensive right now so we will see. I miss you so much. If I could go there next month I would be so happy!!

- Alaura