Monday, June 20, 2011

How do you know who Mr. Right is???

I recently read this on someone's blog and it really made sense to me....

"I remember once there was this guy I dated and I have to be honest…he was an attractive guy and fun to hangout with, but I automatically knew I could never see myself with him in my future.  Now I look back and ask myself why? I mean, how could that be if I never gave him a chance?  Truth be told, I didn’t want to give him a chance, but only because I knew in my heart it could never be.  Is that something a person automatically knows?  It must be…could it be that –that was one of Gods gifts he gave to us?  An unknown, somewhat psychic ability to determine if someone is right for us, whether we know them or not?

All I can say is, I too, have been in his shoes before just as many others have and its not a great feeling knowing someone automatically knows they can’t see themselves with you – it doesn’t even have to do with you liking the person, but it has to do with you being rejected.  The let down is in hearing that you can never be that “special person” to someone.  We as humans want to show and prove we are worthy to someone and my God, we are….but to someone else :-)

Remember, all the wrong people have to say no or be said no to in order to clear the path for that right one <3"

1 comment:

  1. Makes sense! But I def know what you mean, how does anyone really know if another person is mr Right or just mr Right Now?
