Thursday, June 23, 2011

One more Week!!

As exciting as this post is for me it is even more exciting for you because you are 9 hours ahead of me. Today is Thursday for me and next thursday you land here in San Francisco!!! I can't believe it-- one week, 7 days and I get to have you back all to myself LOL.... This is the beautiful city in which your plane will land.
Well, we just got off of Tango/Skype it gets me so much more excited when I get to talk to you about it. It seems so long ago that we were together in Sweden. It seems like 5 months apart is so long yet at the time it seems to have flown by. I just hope this next week flies by the exact same way. Then once you are here time slows down so if feels like you are here longer than 18 days....

Well, mi amor I'm going to end this post now. I need to start preparing for your arrival... I love you and lucky for me I only have to miss you for 7 more days!!!!

-- Alaura

Monday, June 20, 2011

How do you know who Mr. Right is???

I recently read this on someone's blog and it really made sense to me....

"I remember once there was this guy I dated and I have to be honest…he was an attractive guy and fun to hangout with, but I automatically knew I could never see myself with him in my future.  Now I look back and ask myself why? I mean, how could that be if I never gave him a chance?  Truth be told, I didn’t want to give him a chance, but only because I knew in my heart it could never be.  Is that something a person automatically knows?  It must be…could it be that –that was one of Gods gifts he gave to us?  An unknown, somewhat psychic ability to determine if someone is right for us, whether we know them or not?

All I can say is, I too, have been in his shoes before just as many others have and its not a great feeling knowing someone automatically knows they can’t see themselves with you – it doesn’t even have to do with you liking the person, but it has to do with you being rejected.  The let down is in hearing that you can never be that “special person” to someone.  We as humans want to show and prove we are worthy to someone and my God, we are….but to someone else :-)

Remember, all the wrong people have to say no or be said no to in order to clear the path for that right one <3"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Finally June!

First and foremost CONGRATS to Adam on graduation. What does he plan on doing next? Still train, will he go to school some more? This week Cayana is graduating from Jr. High School and Amanda is graduating from High School. I love all the pictures from Adams. I remember while in Sweden you showing me all of your pictures. Look how time flies.... we now get to sit back and watch our siblings do it.

So it is finally June... June 2nd to be exact. That means only 28 more days until you are here with me enjoying the sun, palm trees and California weather. I am so excited for you to get here Linda. I literally think about you everyday and hope that you are doing well. There are all those random moments when I stop and think about Sweden and what you are doing at that particular moment. I miss you so much and when you are finally here I will feel more complete. Ever since I left you in Sweden I feel a small part of me is missing. I can't wait to get that back even though it'll only be for a few short weeks. We have to make the most of every moment. 
So this week I will be sure to post graduation pictures so you can see how it's done here in California/US. I love you tons and am anxiously counting down the days until we are reunited in San Francisco airport.

-- Alaura